Miramar - central Argentina current satellite image
Satellite image taken 20 minutes and 35 seconds ago
Saturday, February 15, 2025 at 1:00 a.m. (local time Argentina)
Satellite image provided by NOOA and smoDATOS
5650 ms
Miramar: weather and forecast
Extended information: the weather and forecast in Miramar (Partido de General Alvarado)
cloudiness 11,7%
humidity level 80,5%
wind from 355,9° (north) with 6,2 km/h (3,3 kn)
cloudiness 24,2%
humidity level 80,7%
wind from 348,3° (north) with 5,5 km/h (3 kn)
cloudiness 1,6%
humidity level 79,8%
wind from 347,8° (north) with 6,1 km/h (3,3 kn)
cloudiness 0,8%
humidity level 80,9%
wind from 347,6° (north) with 6 km/h (3,2 kn)
cloudiness 6,2%
humidity level 82,2%
wind from 345,3° (north) with 4,9 km/h (2,6 kn)
cloudiness 0%
humidity level 82,9%, precipitation 0,1 mm (0,1 l/m²)
wind from 348,5° (north) with 4,5 km/h (2,4 kn)
cloudiness 0%
humidity level 82,2%, precipitation 0,1 mm (0,1 l/m²)
wind from 351,2° (north) with 4,2 km/h (2,3 kn)
cloudiness 0,8%
humidity level 79%, precipitation 0,1 mm (0,1 l/m²)
wind from 353,9° (north) with 3,7 km/h (2 kn)
cloudiness 6,2%
humidity level 76,2%, precipitation 0,5 mm (0,5 l/m²)
wind from 3,1° (north) with 2,9 km/h (1,6 kn)
cloudiness 5,5%
humidity level 72,7%, precipitation 0,6 mm (0,6 l/m²)
wind from 11,7° (north) with 3,8 km/h (2,1 kn)
cloudiness 28,9%
humidity level 68,5%, precipitation 0,6 mm (0,6 l/m²)
wind from 16,3° (north) with 4,1 km/h (2,2 kn)
cloudiness 21,9%
humidity level 66,2%, precipitation 0,6 mm (0,6 l/m²)
wind from 44,1° (northeast) with 3,7 km/h (2 kn)
cloudiness 27,3%
humidity level 67,1%, precipitation 0,6 mm (0,6 l/m²)
wind from 69,4° (east) with 4,9 km/h (2,6 kn)
cloudiness 87,5%
humidity level 71%, precipitation 0,6 mm (0,6 l/m²)
wind from 92° (east) with 6,1 km/h (3,3 kn)
cloudiness 63,3%
humidity level 79,8%, precipitation 0,2 mm (0,2 l/m²)
wind from 71° (east) with 6,5 km/h (3,5 kn)
cloudiness 21,1%
humidity level 71,5%, precipitation 0,1 mm (0,1 l/m²)
wind from 48,3° (northeast) with 5,2 km/h (2,8 kn)
cloudiness 24,2%
humidity level 71,9%, precipitation 0,1 mm (0,1 l/m²)
wind from 74,7° (east) with 5 km/h (2,7 kn)
cloudiness 36,7%
humidity level 73,8%
wind from 61,4° (northeast) with 6 km/h (3,2 kn)
cloudiness 20,3%
humidity level 76,1%
wind from 48,5° (northeast) with 5,6 km/h (3 kn)
cloudiness 10,2%
humidity level 81,3%
wind from 40,1° (northeast) with 6,3 km/h (3,4 kn)
cloudiness 6,2%
humidity level 86,3%
wind from 30,9° (northeast) with 6,2 km/h (3,3 kn)
cloudiness 2,3%
humidity level 90,1%
wind from 23,5° (northeast) with 5,7 km/h (3,1 kn)
cloudiness 0%
humidity level 92,4%
wind from 13,5° (north) with 5,1 km/h (2,8 kn)
cloudiness 0%
humidity level 93,6%
wind from 4,2° (north) with 4,6 km/h (2,5 kn)
cloudiness 0%
humidity level 94,4%
wind from 357,1° (north) with 4,6 km/h (2,5 kn)
cloudiness 0%
humidity level 95,4%
wind from 348,2° (north) with 4,9 km/h (2,6 kn)
cloudiness 0%
humidity level 94,9%
wind from 336,4° (north) with 5,2 km/h (2,8 kn)
cloudiness 0%
humidity level 94,4%
wind from 327° (north) with 5,1 km/h (2,8 kn)
cloudiness 0%
humidity level 93,1%
wind from 320,3° (north) with 5,7 km/h (3,1 kn)
cloudiness 0%
humidity level 91,4%
wind from 320,9° (north) with 5,2 km/h (2,8 kn)
cloudiness 0%
humidity level 88,3%
wind from 316,2° (north) with 5,5 km/h (3 kn)
cloudiness 0%
humidity level 84,6%
wind from 312,4° (northwest) with 5,2 km/h (2,8 kn)
cloudiness 0%
humidity level 74,8%
wind from 311,5° (northwest) with 5,6 km/h (3 kn)
cloudiness 0,8%
humidity level 66,9%
wind from 313,6° (northwest) with 5,1 km/h (2,8 kn)
cloudiness 21,9%
humidity level 58,8%
wind from 307,9° (northwest) with 5,5 km/h (3 kn)
cloudiness 0,8%
humidity level 52,2%
wind from 298,1° (northwest) with 5,4 km/h (2,9 kn)
cloudiness 13,3%
humidity level 45,6%
wind from 287,3° (west) with 5,2 km/h (2,8 kn)
cloudiness 28,9%
humidity level 45,8%
wind from 247° (southwest) with 5,9 km/h (3,2 kn)
cloudiness 32,8%
humidity level 65,4%
wind from 203,6° (southwest) with 7,5 km/h (4 kn)
cloudiness 26,6%
humidity level 70,5%, precipitation 0,1 mm (0,1 l/m²)
wind from 206,9° (southwest) with 7,2 km/h (3,9 kn)
cloudiness 13,3%
humidity level 77%, precipitation 0,1 mm (0,1 l/m²)
wind from 204,5° (southwest) with 6,4 km/h (3,5 kn)
cloudiness 10,9%
humidity level 84,6%, precipitation 0,1 mm (0,1 l/m²)
wind from 205,2° (southwest) with 6,5 km/h (3,5 kn)
cloudiness 12,5%
humidity level 87,9%, precipitation 0,1 mm (0,1 l/m²)
wind from 189,8° (south) with 7,4 km/h (4 kn)
cloudiness 40,6%
humidity level 92%, precipitation 0,1 mm (0,1 l/m²)
wind from 182,6° (south) with 9,2 km/h (5 kn)
cloudiness 100%
humidity level 88,9%, precipitation 0,1 mm (0,1 l/m²)
wind from 164,6° (south) with 10 km/h (5,4 kn)
cloudiness 100%
humidity level 86,9%, precipitation 0,1 mm (0,1 l/m²)
wind from 157,3° (southeast) with 9,5 km/h (5,1 kn)
cloudiness 83,6%
humidity level 84,2%
wind from 150,1° (southeast) with 8,2 km/h (4,4 kn)
cloudiness 41,4%
humidity level 83,4%
wind from 153,1° (southeast) with 7,2 km/h (3,9 kn)
cloudiness 34,4%
humidity level 85,2%
wind from 156,6° (southeast) with 7 km/h (3,8 kn)
cloudiness 15,6%
humidity level 80,4%
wind from 154,4° (southeast) with 6 km/h (3,2 kn)
cloudiness 0,8%
humidity level 76,4%
wind from 157,5° (south) with 5,2 km/h (2,8 kn)
cloudiness 0%
humidity level 76,6%
wind from 153,8° (southeast) with 4,7 km/h (2,5 kn)
cloudiness 0%
humidity level 75,8%
wind from 138,3° (southeast) with 4,3 km/h (2,3 kn)
cloudiness 0%
humidity level 77,5%
wind from 136,1° (southeast) with 3,7 km/h (2 kn)
cloudiness 0%
humidity level 77%
wind from 134,2° (southeast) with 2,6 km/h (1,4 kn)
cloudiness 0%
humidity level 69,1%
wind from 85,6° (east) with 1,6 km/h (0,9 kn)
cloudiness 0%
humidity level 66,8%
wind from 15,4° (north) with 1,7 km/h (0,9 kn)
cloudiness 19,5%
humidity level 61,3%
wind from 341,7° (north) with 2,4 km/h (1,3 kn)
cloudiness 97,7%
humidity level 49,5%
wind from 344° (north) with 2,5 km/h (1,3 kn)
cloudiness 97,7%
humidity level 42,7%
wind from 322,3° (north) with 2,4 km/h (1,3 kn)
cloudiness 100%
humidity level 40%
wind from 243,4° (southwest) with 3,2 km/h (1,7 kn)
cloudiness 89,1%
humidity level 57,8%
wind from 165,8° (south) with 6,3 km/h (3,4 kn)
cloudiness 46,1%
humidity level 58,5%, precipitation 0,6 mm (0,6 l/m²)
wind from 190,5° (south) with 13,1 km/h (7,1 kn)
cloudiness 2,3%
humidity level 60,2%
wind from 181,4° (south) with 7,9 km/h (4,3 kn)
cloudiness 25,8%
humidity level 57,2%
wind from 186,4° (south) with 4,4 km/h (2,4 kn)
cloudiness 2,3%
humidity level 55,2%
wind from 291,8° (west) with 3,4 km/h (1,8 kn)
cloudiness 100%
humidity level 41%
wind from 325,9° (north) with 2,6 km/h (1,4 kn)
cloudiness 96,9%
humidity level 48%
wind from 357,8° (north) with 4,3 km/h (2,3 kn)
cloudiness 100%
humidity level 48,7%
wind from 322,1° (north) with 6 km/h (3,2 kn)
cloudiness 12,5%
humidity level 55,9%
wind from 293,2° (northwest) with 3,5 km/h (1,9 kn)
cloudiness 0%
humidity level 51,2%
wind from 137,3° (southeast) with 4,2 km/h (2,3 kn)
cloudiness 0%
humidity level 74,9%
wind from 68,9° (east) with 5,9 km/h (3,2 kn)
cloudiness 0%
humidity level 77,5%
wind from 14,2° (north) with 4,4 km/h (2,4 kn)
cloudiness 0%
humidity level 64%
wind from 2,5° (north) with 3,8 km/h (2,1 kn)
cloudiness 0%
humidity level 44,1%
wind from 29,7° (northeast) with 4,3 km/h (2,3 kn)
cloudiness 0%
humidity level 50,9%
wind from 3,3° (north) with 5,8 km/h (3,1 kn)
cloudiness 2,3%
humidity level 69,4%
wind from 348,8° (north) with 5,7 km/h (3,1 kn)
cloudiness 70,3%
humidity level 72,8%
wind from 338,9° (north) with 5,7 km/h (3,1 kn)
cloudiness 70,3%
humidity level 45,7%
wind from 312,8° (northwest) with 4,4 km/h (2,4 kn)
cloudiness 0%
humidity level 50,6%
wind from 6,6° (north) with 4,9 km/h (2,6 kn)
cloudiness 0%
humidity level 79,6%
wind from 343,2° (north) with 5,9 km/h (3,2 kn)
cloudiness 0%
humidity level 75,5%
wind from 344,5° (north) with 3,2 km/h (1,7 kn)
cloudiness 16,4%
humidity level 49,9%
wind from 44,5° (northeast) with 5 km/h (2,7 kn)
cloudiness 98,4%
humidity level 57,7%
wind from 20,2° (north) with 5 km/h (2,7 kn)
cloudiness 0%
humidity level 76,3%
wind from 356,2° (north) with 6,2 km/h (3,3 kn)
cloudiness 0,8%
humidity level 73,3%
wind from 359,2° (north) with 5,7 km/h (3,1 kn)
cloudiness 100%
humidity level 41,5%
wind from 338,9° (north) with 6 km/h (3,2 kn)
cloudiness 99,2%
humidity level 51,5%
wind from 322,7° (north) with 3,1 km/h (1,7 kn)
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