miramar yVos
Miramar, Buenos Aires, Argentina
First aid, police, administration of/for : emergency phone numbers and info
Important service providers total of/for : 7 records

Comisaría de Miramar

Comisaría de Miramar

Police: police station

calle 23 1137 (between Calle 22 and Calle 24)

logotipo Comisaría de Miramar
telephone number

telephone number 1: +54-2291-42-0613
telephone number 2: +54-2291-42-1548

Information - companies in Miramar

logo Nanni

Miramar (Partido de General Alvarado)

Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Avenida 9 N°1485 (between Calle 28 and Calle 30)

DDI Policía

DDI Policía

Police: Departmental Investigations Bureau

diagonal Arturo Illia 1061

logotipo DDI Policía
telephone number

telephone number: +54-2291-42-0371

Hospital Miramar

Hospital Miramar

Ealthcare: Municipal Hospital Dr. Marino Cassano

diagonal J. M. Dupuy 1550

logotipo Hospital Miramar
telephone number

telephone number: +54-2291-43-1778

Camuzzi Gas

Camuzzi Gas

Installations and works: gas company

avenida 26 N° 1065 (between Calle 19 and Calle 21)

logotipo Camuzzi Gas
telephone number

telephone number 1: +2291-431825
telephone number 2: 0810-555-3698

Policia Las Flores

Policia Las Flores

Police: Las Flores Police Detachment

avenida 9 (Ruta Provincial 77) (between Calle 74 and Calle 76)

logotipo Policia Las Flores
telephone number

telephone number: +54-2291-42-3824

Guardia Urbana Miramar

Guardia Urbana Miramar

Police: Municipal Urban Guard

avenida 40 nº 801. (primer piso de la terminal de ómnibus)

logotipo Guardia Urbana Miramar
telephone number

telephone number: +54-2291-42-1884

Clínica Mitre

Clínica Mitre

Ealthcare: Mitre SRL Private Medical Institute

avenida 23 N° 1146 (between Calle 24 and Calle 22)

logotipo Clínica Mitre
telephone number

telephone number: +54-2291-42-1149

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Important service providers and telephone numbers


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